Research Partners

This research study was conducted by researchers at Ibis Reproductive Health and Indiana University, as well as from pregnancy and abortion-related service providers in and around Indiana. Specifically, the All Options Pregnancy Resource Center, the Chicago Abortion Fund, and the Kentucky Health Justice Network.

Maya Alfred Maya Alfred


All-Options (formerly Backline) uses direct service and social change strategies to promote unconditional, judgment-free support for people in all of their decisions, feelings, and experiences with pregnancy, parenting, abortion, and adoption. We recognize that these issues are complex, but one thing is certain: Everyone deserves to have all options!

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Maya Alfred Maya Alfred

Ibis Reproductive Health

Ibis drives change through bold, rigorous research and principled partnerships that advance sexual and reproductive autonomy, choices, and health worldwide.

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Maya Alfred Maya Alfred

Indiana University

Dr. Tracey Wilkinson is an assistant professor of pediatrics. Her research focuses on examining and developing interventions to improve young people's access to reproductive health services from the perspective of a general pediatrician.

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Maya Alfred Maya Alfred

Chicago Abortion Fund

The mission of the Chicago Abortion Fund is to advance reproductive autonomy and justice for everyone by providing financial, logistical, and emotional support to people seeking abortion services and by building collective power and fostering partnerships for political and cultural change.

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Maya Alfred Maya Alfred

Kentucky Health Justice Network

KHJN supports Kentuckians towards achieving autonomy in our lives and justice for our communities. We advocate, educate, and provide direct services to ensure all Kentucky communities and individuals have power, access, and resources to be healthy and have agency over our lives.

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